sábado, 27 de marzo de 2010

Tratado de Reconocimiento Mutuo y Alianza entre el Principado Libre de Carrassia y el Reino de Buenos Aires


Who agree and communicate to all whom it may concern the following articles:

1A. The Free Principality of Carrassia hereby officially recognizes the Kingdom of Buenos Aires as a sovereign and independent nation, and recognizes its current government as legitimate and legally empowered.
1B. The Kingdom of Buenos Aires hereby officially recognizes The Free Principality of Carrassia as a sovereign and independent nation, and recognizes its current government as legitimate and legally empowered.

2. This treaty establishes a perpetual state of friendship and non-aggression between the contracting parties and states that both parties shall endeavour to peacefully resolve any issues which may occur to estrange them. Both parties shall avoid opening or keeping relations with nations or micronations which show belligerence towards the other nation.

3. The contracting parties agree to use their individual influence to back one another's position in international affairs on which they are in agreement, and to support each other in all ways which may be necessary pursuing common objectives on matters of mutual interest.

4. This treaty gives the full right to each contracting party to appoint an ambassador to the other contracting party and to open an embassy on the respective territories. Such office and its officers shall be the exclusive link between the two nations and will be recognized full diplomatic immunity. On the other hand each contracting party is allowed to demand immediate removal of the ambassador at any time since arrival by a written official communication specifying the causes for the removal.

5. All legal citizens of both nations shall be allowed to enter both nations’ website(s), use and post on both nations’ Forum(s) or any other communication service. Citizens of both nations shall be allowed to travel between both nations without any visa or barriers of any kind. No tax of charges of any description shall exist between the two parties. The articles of this agreement are entered into in good faith and spontaneously by the governments of the Free Principality of Carrassia and the Kingdom of Buenos Aires.

For The Free Principality Of Carrassia

S.A.R. SOMOC Andonivs I Rex Carrassiae PP CAC GORPatrizio Carrassiano

S.A.R. SOMOC Titiana I Regina Carrassiae MP CAC Patrizia Carrassiana

For the Kingdom of Buenos Aires S.M. Carolus I, Rey de Buenos Aires

Sec. of State of the Kingdom of Buenos Aires Dr. Celedonio Tejedor

Signed on: 27/January/2009

Anulación del presente Tratado

Nueva Buenos Aires, 10 de Marzo de 2010

En vista de la autodisolución y larga inactividad del Líbero Principato di Carrassia, el Reino de Buenos Aires decide anular el presente Tratado, observando los siguientes puntos:

Art. 1 - Considerese caduco el Tratado de Mutuo Reconocimiento y Alianza entre el Líbero Principato di Carrassia y el Reino de Buenos Aires.

Art. 2 - En vista del Art. 1, El Reino de Buenos Aires deja de reconocer la soberanía del Líbero Principato di Carrassia sobre territorio alguno.

Art. 3 - Dadas las excelentes relaciones mantenidas con el gobierno de Carrassia, podrán reanudarse las relaciones con el Líbero Principato di Carrassia siempre y cuando el territorio que ocupase al momento de la firma del anulado "Tratado de Mutuo Reconocimiento y Alianza entre el Líbero Principato di Carrassia y el Reino de Buenos Aires" no se halle bajo soberanía de micronaciones que mantengan relaciones diplomáticas con el Reino de Buenos Aires.

Firmado en 10 de Marzo de 2010
Dra. Brenda Bierhoff, Primera Ministra del Reino de Buenos Aires.
S.M. Carolus I, Rey de Buenos Aires.

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